Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Organic Chemistry Website

Organic Chemistry WebsiteIf you're a professor, graduate student, or have been studying chemistry for a long time, a website like this can help you get better information from what you are studying. The internet is full of information about this subject, and sometimes it can be difficult to separate the good from the bad. This article will discuss some of the information that you can find on this website.When you go online to search for Chemistry, one of the first things that you can do is type in Chemistry and the web browser will display many different websites that can help you find what you are looking for. This website has a nice number of links to the various websites that provide information on Chemistry. These can be the old school websites from many years ago or the new websites that are now available. It is important to note that you will get information from both types of websites. However, one should be able to give you a good insight into the history of Chemistry and wha t it means to today's chemistry students.There are many reasons why people would like to learn more about Chemistry. One of the main reasons is to become a better scientist. As a chemistry professor, you can use the information that is provided by the website to help you improve your teaching methods and approach to your students.If you're going to be doing some research to make your Organic Chemistry website better, one of the first things that you need to consider is how the website will feature information about the materials that will be included in the class. You need to make sure that you have all of the necessary material that is required in the class before you begin class so that your students can concentrate on their learning skills without having to search for the information that they need.If you're looking for some extra information about organic chemistry, then there are many other websites that can provide you with that as well. These can include websites that are des igned to teach you how to make organic compounds that can aid in your career as a scientist. You will be able to find these on the website that you're interested in learning more about.If you're a student, you may want to check out the information on the website. They are designed in such a way that you can learn about what to expect in a certain type of class, what materials to use, and how to approach a certain course.For the Organic Chemistry website, there are a number of ways that you can get a hold of this information. You can go online to a search engine and type in Organic Chemistry or you can simply go to a website like this one and click through to see what it has to offer. As you use the website to learn more about organic chemistry, you'll get better with each passing class and each lesson that you have learned.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 Tips from an Elite ACT Tutor

5 Tips from an Elite ACT Tutor ACT SAT Prep and College Admissions Blog So you're getting ready to take the ACT! That's great! Good luck! Here are 5 tips to help you do your best on ACT exam day: Tip #1 Be confident, yet just a tiny bit paranoid. That slight edge of paranoia will help you not to underestimate the ACT. The ACT has 4 sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science, plus an optional written essay component. You've been studying English, math, reading, science, and writing for years and years, so you should be well prepared, right? Well, yes and no. Your background knowledge in each subject is very important and will help you on the test. However, the test makers will often try to lull you into a sense of false security. To do so, over the years the makers of the ACT have developed some rather slippery tricks to try to get you to make mistakes even on topics you're very familiar with. Which leads us to the next tip. Tip #2 Get very familiar with the test format well in advance of test day. Take a practice test. Take two! The more the better. As you take each practice test, you'll familiarize yourself more and more deeply with how the ACT approaches each of the 4 main sections. Work to find your personal best approach for each individual section. An approach that works well for one section may be disaster for another. For instance, you may find that reading the passage before the questions works very well for the Reading section, but slows you down way too much in the Science section. Each section has its own quirks, its own set of common traps and misdirections that try to lead you astray from the right answers, bog you down in unnecessary work, and slow you down. Learn how to spot these common pitfalls and avoid them, and your accuracy rate and pacing should improve substantially. Tip #3 Get to know your calculator and its abilities. The makers of the ACT state that the problems on the Math section can be solved without a calculator. That's true, but remember that many of the problems can be solved much more easily with a calculator, especially a graphing calculator. Make sure that your calculator is a model approved for use on the ACT and that it has fresh batteries. Keep in mind that part of knowing the abilities of your calculator is being able to recognize when it is not the fastest means of finding a solution. Sometimes a quick sketch or simple process of elimination can get you to the right answer faster. Tip #4 Learn how to conserve your energy. When you take the ACT, you'll be at the test center more than 4 hours, including breaks. Don't do more than necessary to answer each question. Lots of practice will enable you to tune out distractions and unimportant information so that you can focus on the material that's most relevant. If you're working on a math problem, remember that you don't have to show every step of your work like you would in school. When practicing for English, try to streamline and simplify the rules of grammar and punctuation so that you can apply them quickly and directly. Tip #5 Use all of the resources available to you. Practice ACT questions and tests are available at the official ACT website. To get even more practice and preparation, there are many other resources available. Schools often provide practice materials. You can search at your local library or bookstore, or online, to find books, flashcards, software, and apps for additional ACT practice. Another important resource you may want to use is a tutor. Individualized, one-to-one tutoring can help you approach your full potential on the ACT. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(215486, '6baac2ae-05a3-4610-9d1f-265c8cbd809f', {});

Happy Holidays and a Successful School Year 2015!

Happy Holidays and a Successful School Year 2015! Joy Joy Joy! TutorZ delivers the warmest wishes for a wonderful Holiday Season and a successful start of the 2015 school year to all of our tutors, teachers, instructors, parents and students. We are sincerely delighted to have you as our customers. We are wishing you a holiday season filled with peace and joy. May bright ideas and new insights greet you each day of the new year. We also hope that your beautiful wishes for 2015 come true and you achieve your educational targets. If we can help you to reach your goal come back in 2015 to get more tutoring at TutorZ. Happy holidays and lots of reasons to smile!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge Before and After Videos!

italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge Before and After Videos! So, first of all we would like to thank everyone of you who have joined italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge. Whatever your reasons of learning languages, we hope that by doing this challenge you will have a consistent language learning habit throughout 2015! Here are some of the best videos that we received for this challenge: Josie from England/Sweden, and is part of our service team completed italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge  I want to take this challenge because it will push me to actually study and to be persistent. I get very frustrated that I cannot communicate with the locals, and so taking part in this challenge will help me overcome that barrier.  Her goal is to be able to talk with the Chinese person in the office about their interest and hobbies Here is the public video pledge that she made before the challenge And here is the video after challenge Søren a.k.a. Koko The Polyglot from United States successfully completed the challenge: He took German and Catalan for this time! Soren is an awesome language learner as you can see how he improved during the short period of time, and this is also his third time joining italkis language challenge! Below is the video of how he improved his German and Catalan! Soren posted a public video pledge when he began the challenge Sorens after the challenge video Cassie from Australia has successfully completed italkis New Years Language Challenge She took French for 23 hours during  the last 6 weeks! Cassie actually have learned French for 12 months as an exchange students. However, she didnt get much experience to speak the language. She posted her public video pledge before she started the challenge Cassies awesome improvement video after 6 weeks and 23 hours of French Benjamin Bruce from United States has successfully completed the 2015 italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge He took Korean lesson for the last 6 weeks Since his place is almost like a Korean town, as a language enthusiast learning Korean is one of his goal. But, for this challenge he set a higher bar, not only for the basic of the language, but also being able to understand and to have a casual conversation in Korean A public video pledge that Benjamin posted before he started the challange Below is the result after 6 weeks of Korean Helga Gvovdeva From Russia completed the italkis 2015 New Years Language Challange She committed to take at least 3 courses per week. Moreover, she also took classes for Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Even greater, she didnt even know anything for Japanese! Below is her public video pledge before the  challenge Below is after the challenge She said that after the challenge she felt much more confident, and in her opinion she should not be afraid to make mistakes. We are totally agree that mistakes are something that everybody make. So, nothing to be afraid of! Janey from Thailand completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge After the challenge we saw how she really did improve her fluency in speaking Spanish and she looked more confident in speaking Spanish after the challenge Alex Chen from United States Successfully completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge He committed to learn Japanese, Chinese and Korean in 20 hours time. and below is his video after the challenge We really hope that after the challenge, you will keep learning language and keep the good habit. We also hope that this might inspire other people in learning languages! Anne Haggerson from Spain has completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge Anne is taking Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish, her goal to be able to speak and have a  conversation in social issues, etc below is her public video pledge Below is her progress after the challenge she learnt lots of things from the teachers as she is also an English teacher. We really do hope that after the challenge you will not stop learning languages. We hope that this challenge may become a good trigger for you to keep learning throughout the year! italki 2015 New Years Language Challenge Before and After Videos! So, first of all we would like to thank everyone of you who have joined italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge. Whatever your reasons of learning languages, we hope that by doing this challenge you will have a consistent language learning habit throughout 2015! Here are some of the best videos that we received for this challenge: Josie from England/Sweden, and is part of our service team completed italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge  I want to take this challenge because it will push me to actually study and to be persistent. I get very frustrated that I cannot communicate with the locals, and so taking part in this challenge will help me overcome that barrier.  Her goal is to be able to talk with the Chinese person in the office about their interest and hobbies Here is the public video pledge that she made before the challenge And here is the video after challenge Søren a.k.a. Koko The Polyglot from United States successfully completed the challenge: He took German and Catalan for this time! Soren is an awesome language learner as you can see how he improved during the short period of time, and this is also his third time joining italkis language challenge! Below is the video of how he improved his German and Catalan! Soren posted a public video pledge when he began the challenge Sorens after the challenge video Cassie from Australia has successfully completed italkis New Years Language Challenge She took French for 23 hours during  the last 6 weeks! Cassie actually have learned French for 12 months as an exchange students. However, she didnt get much experience to speak the language. She posted her public video pledge before she started the challenge Cassies awesome improvement video after 6 weeks and 23 hours of French Benjamin Bruce from United States has successfully completed the 2015 italkis 2015 New Years Language Challenge He took Korean lesson for the last 6 weeks Since his place is almost like a Korean town, as a language enthusiast learning Korean is one of his goal. But, for this challenge he set a higher bar, not only for the basic of the language, but also being able to understand and to have a casual conversation in Korean A public video pledge that Benjamin posted before he started the challange Below is the result after 6 weeks of Korean Helga Gvovdeva From Russia completed the italkis 2015 New Years Language Challange She committed to take at least 3 courses per week. Moreover, she also took classes for Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. Even greater, she didnt even know anything for Japanese! Below is her public video pledge before the  challenge Below is after the challenge She said that after the challenge she felt much more confident, and in her opinion she should not be afraid to make mistakes. We are totally agree that mistakes are something that everybody make. So, nothing to be afraid of! Janey from Thailand completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge After the challenge we saw how she really did improve her fluency in speaking Spanish and she looked more confident in speaking Spanish after the challenge Alex Chen from United States Successfully completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge He committed to learn Japanese, Chinese and Korean in 20 hours time. and below is his video after the challenge We really hope that after the challenge, you will keep learning language and keep the good habit. We also hope that this might inspire other people in learning languages! Anne Haggerson from Spain has completed the italkis 2015 New Year Language Challenge Anne is taking Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish, her goal to be able to speak and have a  conversation in social issues, etc below is her public video pledge Below is her progress after the challenge she learnt lots of things from the teachers as she is also an English teacher. We really do hope that after the challenge you will not stop learning languages. We hope that this challenge may become a good trigger for you to keep learning throughout the year!

Who to Ask for a Recommendation Letter

Who to Ask for a Recommendation Letter Image via Former supervisors The best person to ask for a letter of recommendation is a former supervisor. Even an internship supervisor will be a good choice. Your former supervisors will be able to attest to your work ethic and your ability to work as a member of a team. They know you very well in a professional sense, and they can vouch that you are a good worker. A letter of recommendation from a former supervisor will carry a lot of weight because your future supervisor will probably read it and be convinced that they should hire you. Co-workers You can also ask a co-worker, especially a more experienced (or an upper level) one, to write you a letter of recommendation. A letter from a co-worker might not carry the same weight as a letter from your supervisor, but they can still write you a letter because they likely know you well in a professional sense. They can provide specific examples that demonstrate your strong work ethic, since they work alongside you every day. A letter from a co-worker can be very powerful. For this reason, it’s a good idea to ask a co-worker for a letter of recommendation. Someone you know who is connected to the company If you know someone who is connected to the company you are applying to, you should ask them for a recommendation letter. Use the connections you have! Because the company already trusts this person, they will take this recommendation letter very seriously. Of course, this person might not know you well in a professional sense, so their letter might not carry as much weight as your former supervisor’s letter. This person’s letter could be a secondary or supplementary letter. Still, if you can, you can ask someone you know who is connected to the company for a recommendation letter. Someone you volunteered with If you have done some volunteering, you can reach out to the supervisor of your volunteer program an ask for a letter of recommendation. Even though your volunteer program supervisor was not technically your boss, they will still be able to comment on your work ethic and your ability to work with a team. Including a letter from someone you volunteered with will show your future employer that you care about giving back to the community. Volunteering a great way to prove you are a well-rounded person. Your volunteer program supervisor can be a helpful resource, even if your volunteer experience was not in the field you want to pursue a career in. Professors If you are a recent college graduate, it is acceptable to ask your professor for a letter of recommendation. (Bonus points if the professor is somehow affiliated with the school or company you’re applying to, or if you have done research/a project under their direction.) You should try to ask a professor who knows you well, so it’s best to ask someone who has taught more than one of your classes. It’s even better if you can ask a professor that you have worked with (for example, if you have worked in their lab). These professors will be better prepared to write about your work ethic. Professors are great people to ask for recommendation letters. Do NOT ask family members for a letter It’s an important rule that you cannot ask family members (including spouses) for recommendation letters, whether it is for a job or for school. Because they are family members, hiring managers will believe their views of you will be biased. In other words, it’s a conflict of interest. It’s also likely that your family members do not know you in a professional environment, so their input might not be so relevant to the job you applied for. For those reasons, you should not ask family members to write you a letter of recommendation for a job. Be careful when asking personal friends Unlike asking family members, asking personal friends for a recommendation is not a definite no-no. It’s not automatically a conflict of interest. However, you should have a good reason for asking your friend. For example, is your friend an alumnus (or alumna) of the school you are applying to? Do they have an affiliation with the company you’re applying to? Did they volunteer with you? If so, it would be acceptable to ask them for a letter of recommendation. If not, your friend might not be the best person to ask for a recommendation letter. If you need a letter of recommendation, there are many people in your life you can ask.

How Foreign Language Magazines Can Be Your Key to Learning

How Foreign Language Magazines Can Be Your Key to Learning How Foreign Language Magazines Can Be Your Key to Learning Imagine this: outdoors, sunshine, cup of coffee and a magazine.That could be your new study routine.I love magazines.When you have lofty language learning goals, you need to give yourself a break from time to time.Magazines  win every time, giving us learners a refuge  from  the formality of textbooks, length of novels and challenging language of newspapers.They let you  study from anywhere, even from your cozy bed or a sunny hammock, and youll definitely be having fun while learning.Theres nothing I enjoy more than relaxing with a crisp new magazine in my lap (or on my Nook!).In fact, it was through reading magazines that I was able to learn French.Thats how I discovered that magazines are a great way to learn languages!Scroll down, and Ill share with you how I used magazines as a powerful tool to improve my language skillsâ€"and how you can too! How Foreign Language Magazines Can Be Your Key to LearningThere are tons of different language learning resources out there for modern l earners, so why are magazines so special? Lets take a look at what makes magazines uniquely effective for learning languages.Why, of All Things, Magazines?Magazines are interesting!  Textbooksâ€"especially foreign language textbooksâ€"can be  boring or feel too formal. Magazines just are never boring or formal. Theyre written for mass consumption, and magazines tend to publish only the most fascinating content. Plus, there are so many magazines out there that they cover an enormous variety of subjects.  And because theyre written in a style to appeal to a mass audience, youll often find that the content is easy to digest.Images help you learn.  This isnt my opinion, but rather a fact. Remember when you were a child and loved childrens booksâ€"those wonderful, colorful books with brilliant covers and thick pages filled with beautiful artwork? Well, magazines are just the adult versions of childrens books. Theyre filled with images: photos, artwork, graphs, charts, you name it!Science actually shows this is true. Children learn language through images. This can work just as well for adult langauge learners, and what better place to find images than a colorful magazine?Youll often find that you can understand the gist of an article just by looking at the images. My tip: Focus on the images and their captions, and try to piece together what they mean without touching your dictionary.Magazine content will teach you about culture.If youre like most people, youre not just learning a language cause you have a fascination with grammar. Youre probably interested in the cultures and societies connected to that language. Perhaps you dream of ordering bread at an authentic French boulangerie, or maybe you want to what theyre really saying in your favorite Japanese anime show (we all know the subtitles arent telling the whole truth!).Magazines allow you to learn language and culture at the same time. Digest some knowledge about French gastronomie while reading cooking magaz ines, or devour manga  to  improve your Japanese. Theres a multitude of ways that you can discover more about culture through magazines!How Any Language Learner Can Use EmNow, I know what youre about to ask  me. I dont speak the language Im learning that well. How can I pick up a magazine now and be able to read it?Its a common misconception that you need to be experienced in a language to read it well. You have to remember that magazines are a tool  for  communication, and that each magazine is targeted to a different audience. The key is finding the right magazine at the right level for you.Start at your levelThis is true in English as well as a foreign language. For example, Im not going to pick up an issue of Rocket Science Today,  because its way above my level. Similarly, dont get an overly complicated or difficult magazine in the language youre trying to learn.If youre a complete beginner, why not start with childrens magazines? They use simple language and often includes cop ious amounts of picturesâ€"and who doesnt understand pictures? In fact, as Ill explain futher, images are one reason that magazines are such a fantastic resource for language learning.If youre studying a particular topic in school, focus on that topic for perfect learning synergy. For example, if youre studying economics and love the course content, then why not try to read an economics magazine? You may find that a lot of the material in there is quite similar to what youre learning in your classes. This will give you an “in” to learning the language! This applies equally to professionalsâ€"choose a magazine related to the field you work in!Dont panicLet me tell you, you may struggle a bit at first. Learning through magazines is, sadly, a stark contrast to how were taught to learn languages in school. In my college classroom, each unit focused on something specific. Perhaps it was gender, then the past tenses, then prepositions, one at a time, with the idea being that you neede d to steadily add building blocks to understand a language.When reading magazines, youll get gender, verb tenses, prepositions and dozens of things you dont understand all at once. Dont let that scare you. Re-read articles and try to learn enough to get the meaning. Focus on what you do understand and try to improve piece-by-piece.Keep a notebookA great way  to  aid your steady improvement in comprehension is  to keep a notebook. It can be a physical notebook or an app on your smartphone, it doesnt really matter. Whenever you come across a word that you dont understand, write it down and look it up.Organize, organize, organizeThe notebook strategy ties into another critically important factor: staying organized!This means setting realistic goals, reading some of the magazine every day and creating a system where, when an article is too difficult, you file it away and come back to it later, when, hopefully, your language skills have improved and you can better understand it. I bet yo ull be surprised to see how much  your comprehension has grown!Create manila folders of magazine cut-outs (if youre using print magazines) or a electronic filing system (for e-mags). Note a date on each magazine piece that you want to return to in the near future, giving yourself a week, month or multiple months to improve before returning to that piece.Increasing your exposureOrganization leads us to the most important point: To learn a language, you  need to be exposed to it every day. Magazines can be a great way to finally make learning a language a part of your daily life. Make a plan and stick to it so that you can get the most out of magazines.Electronic vs. Hard-Copy Magazines?Much like the Kindle vs. Print debate, this one has no simple answer. Heres my handy list of pros and cons to help you decide which tool is best for you. Ill also provide you with some recommendations for how to track down magazines in each format.Electronic MagazinesProsTons of free magazines out ther e (see below for my top resources) in a wide variety of languages.Dont take up much space. You can fit more than you could possibly ever read on a single USB drive.Can work on multiple devices: PC, Mac, iPhone, Blackberry, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, you name it!ConsYour eyes can get tired of staring at a computer screen.E-book readers, such as Kindles or Nooks, are easier on the eyes but can have difficulty rendering certain files properly.Virtual highlighting tools arent as good as an actual highlighter, and oftentimes you cant chop down magazines files into individual articles.Quantity can be a curseâ€"youll have to filter through the mediocre content to find a magazine you truly like.ResourcesIssuu:  Issuu is a website where people from all around the world upload magazines, articles and other digital content. The best part? Most of this is free! Click on the link here  to explore their vast database of free digital content which you can then read on your PC, Mac or portable device.Scri bd:  Similar to Issuu, though with a greater focus on technical content. Check Scribd out if youre looking for something more niche or specific. Scribd is especially good for Spanish language magazines as its very popular in Latin America.Print Magazines ProsTime-tested format. No batteries needed, never loses charge and is portable.Malleable. You can take a pen, highlighter or scissors to turn that magazine into a learning tool from your own imagination.You can easily make a filing system using manila folders to keep track of articles you understood, found difficult or want to get back to.ConsCan be tough to find magazines in less common languages, especially if you dont live in a big city or have access to a quality university library.Purchasing them can be expensive over time.Can become bulky. Weve all seen hoarders with boxes of magazines.ResourcesBookstores:  Despite what you may have heard in the media, bookstores still exist and many carry a large selection of magazines. You may want to see if theres a bookstore for the language you want to learn in your city. In fact, most cities have specialty stores that cater to minority communities and they often carry magazines.Libraries:  What better place to learn a language than your local library? Most have an extensive magazine selection in multiple languages, and you can check out copies for free! Some even allow you to make photocopies of particular articles.If you happen to live near a quality university, take advantage by exploring their librarys selection (most universities let members of the public browse freely, and a few even let you check out materials). They often have materials in more languages than public libraries and offer more extensive titles.In the end, I recommend choosing what works best with your lifestyle. If you prefer reading from your Nook, then go digital. If you like the feel of glossy paper, then go with print.You could always strike a compromise, downloading electronic copies and then printing them out.Whatever you want to do, magazines are flexible enough to meet your needs and preferences! And One More ThingIf youre digging these strategies, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples f or the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes  or  Google Play  store.

Uses of Sonification Chemistry

Uses of Sonification ChemistrySonification chemistry can be found on almost any chemistry experiment. They come in all different colors and sizes, and many different types of sound.You can use them for physics experiments, you can use them to create sound waves, and many other uses. The only limit to the uses of sonification is your imagination. They can do anything from creating sound waves to creating high temperature gas or water.One of the main uses of this science is for the sound waves. The molecules are held together by a voltage that can be created by heating the molecules and sending the heated molecules through tubes into speakers to produce music.Each of the molecules has a sonic radius. The moment you heat it a resonance occurs, and when it is played back the sound changes and is changed by how long the sound took to reach you. Each change you make is called a 'sound.'This science was used in the 1930's to create a product called sonic technology that could make different high temperature gases from different materials. It then became a great advancement in rocketry when NASA used it in the Apollo program to produce fuel for the Apollo missions.Once again, this science can be used by anyone for anything they want it to do. It doesn't matter if it is used to make sounds or fuel for rockets or any other useful product. It can be used as many times as you need it to be.Sonification can be used for many different applications, and no matter what the application it can be very rewarding to create the sounds or create the gases or objects using this science. A scientist will always create a more powerful version of their research or experiment if they are creating something that you can be proud of.